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Meet Our Specialists

With our team of qualified teachers, and licensed speech and occupational therapists, you can expect children to be cared for in a nourishing environment.

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Jing Ke KOH
Clinical Director and
Head Speech Therapist

I advocate for the importance of early intervention and the committed involvement of parents during the child’s learning journey. I believe firmly in play-based experiences and acquisition of life-skills. More importantly, I envision an inclusive society where every individual’s strength is recognised and tapped into.


Nurizzati SAMSURI
Principal Occupational Therapist 

For an inclusive setting, I believe in intentionally planning the success of our kids. I look forward to paving the way with parents and educators to create opportunities for our kids to learn and play in every setting. While at that, let's not forget to support them with love and kindness. Afterall, childhood is not forever but the impact of every experience is everlasting.

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Eulisia ER
Senior Educational Psychologist

I am passionate about Early Intervention and Special Education. I believe that early intervention is the key to helping children develop and adapt to society as best as they can. In addition, I advocate for positive parenting and partnerships among teachers, parents and therapists, which essentially play a fundamental role in the optimal development of children.

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Kelly CHOO
Educational Therapist /Early Intervention Teacher

I believe that with the right guidance, every child has the potential to lead a fulfilling life. I have faith in working with other professionals and cooperating with families to provide children with the best environment to nurture their learning and growth. Ultimately, these parties are the children's strongest pillars of support.

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TAN Hui Lee
Educational Therapist /Early Intervention Teacher

I believe in fostering a learning environment that celebrates diversity, enriching the learning journey for all children.


Witnessing each child’s growth, milestones and increasing independence fills me with pride. I believe the extraordinary potential within every child can be brought out when given the chance.


Working closely together with the families, we're building a future filled with endless possibilities!


Nur Izzati Binte MAHADI

Educational Therapist /Early Intervention Teacher

As an individual, I believe that every person deserves the right to a quality life and a sense of belonging in the community.


As an early interventionist, I am committed to building trust and connection with each child while creating meaningful learning experiences.


Currently, I am passionately learning more about neurodiversity-affirming practices to create a safe and inclusive environment where my students can grow at their own pace and achieve their best potential.

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Educational Therapist /Early Intervention Teacher

Early intervention is a gateway to understanding your child’s needs and wants. My role here is to facilitate meaningful experiences for children to gain independence leading to functional daily living. I believe that your child’s progress is dependent on the various partners around them (family, school, therapists), working together towards a common goal.

Above all, children (regardless of disability) need our love and patience to grow happily.

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Daniela LOPEZ
Educational Therapist /Early Intervention Teacher

During my primary school years, I have already been exposed to numerous opportunities of teaching children. This has led me to discover my passion for teaching, including those with special needs. I am an advocate of play and early intervention. My goal is to bring to light the strengths & abilities of the children through personalised and effective teaching strategies. I believe that every small step leads to big changes.

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